MinnKota CoPilot Replacement Transmitter (Terrova & RT/ST) Minn Kota 1866170
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MinnKota CoPilot Replacement Transmitter (Terrova & RT/ST) Minn Kota 1866170 is then formed. It's great. It is a great product. And useful. I bought MinnKota CoPilot Replacement Transmitter (Terrova & RT/ST) Minn Kota 1866170 used. Because it can meet my needs very well. It may be a little more beautiful. It is used as a base.
MinnKota CoPilot Replacement Transmitter (Terrova & RT/ST) Minn Kota 1866170 can be ordered from the Internet. And is delivered to. My friend also ordered according to the recommendations. And they would appreciate MinnKota CoPilot Replacement Transmitter (Terrova & RT/ST) Minn Kota 1866170 very much.
- Includes warless transmitter and instructions
- CoPilot remote can be mounted on a fishing rod
- Controls AutoPilot on Terrova and Riptide ST models
- Easy to use
Control speed and steering from anywhere on the boat. Also activates AutoPilot and high speed bypass on Terrova and Riptide SP.
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